Artist Support

All In One Place

Our job at Inconspicuous is to provide the support and career advocacy you need to feel good about what you are producing and how it’s being handled.

With the resources and power of a gallery collective behind them, genuinely looking out for their best interests, artists can make a significant impact relatively quickly while maintaining career integrity that lasts a lifetime and beyond.

Artist members gain access to collectors all over the world as their work becomes available to global dealers online and directly via collaborative shows. All sales go through one place, right here! So regardless of whether a gallery in Miami buys 10 for a show, or a dealer in the UK sells one of your works to a private collector, you’ll be able to keep track of it in one place, and you ship your work directly.

Co-elevation is the collective goal, which means you will have full access to Inconspicuous owner James Segal, an eclectic collection of artists at various stages of their careers and in different countries, and their professional and personal contacts.

There is no cost to be a member and no expectation of exclusivity. Just that you will keep the collective in mind and maintain a high standard of ethics when doing business, as we will for you.

ethics & equity

  • We trade in good will

    Inconspicuous exists to support the cutting edge of the primary art market ethically and equitably. We will add as much value to your life and career as we can without contracts full of restrictions and expectations.

  • We get things done

    We love people and we love art! With a very diverse career history spanning two continents and several industries, inconspicuous owner James Segal has built lasting relationships which enable the gallery to gain access where many cannot.