emPowering galleries through collaboration.

Buy & Sell Inventory online | Share event space | Connect with artists | Expand your reach.


With a large inventory at your fingertips, you can avoid holding one, and the lack of liquidity that comes with it! Use our dealer portal to buy at trade price, and sell inventory you no longer need to other galleries you know and trust. With access to a customer facing shop page you can sell our inventory right off the website! Shipped right to the customer.

Members Only Benifits

Secure work for your clients and extend your access in the market place. Whether you want work from a household name or an emerging artist, we have access to a large inventory of contemporary & post war primary and secondary market work. Provenance, condition, and authenticity guaranteed. Furthermore you will have priority access to our artists for shows, events, commissions, and collaborations.


Get the support you need when you need it. With a limited customer base, you will always have access to Inconspicuous Art Gallery owner James Segal to support your curation needs. James has spent his last 15 years getting the best out of people, and wants to support you and your gallery to success.


Join a small collective of gallery operators who’s collaboration and co-elevation raises many ships on the same tide.

  • As a member of our network of trusted art sellers, you will have access to support with inventory selection, affordable inventory (primary & secondary) with great margins, quality assurance guaranteed, flexible options for buying/ selling/ trading inventory, online consignment options, and a personal connection you can rely on.

  • We will keep it fresh so you can. We meet new artists all the time and love to do pop ups! Want something we don’t have? Just ask!

  • Being authentic, open, and honest about our journey. Supporting OUR success. Collaboration where possible.


  • Arrange a call with Gallery owner James Segal here.

  • We have found that everyone gets better results if there is ‘skin in the game’. Therefore, in addition to good ethical standards and practices. We ask for a one time membership contribution of $150 per seller or $500 for multiple sellers inside one organization (max 6).

  • As a gallery we have developed a number of strong artist connections and also benefit from purchasing our own art. Why not share?

    We provide a space in which gallery owners and art sellers can safely acquire and resell quality work from a trusted source, quickly.

    Once membership is established you will be able to log in to our dealer portal and sell directly from it. The client will receive the work safely and you will receive your commission.

    Liquidate your inventory to make way for fresh work by sharing it online with sellers in other areas and markets.

  • Europe and The U.S. primarily but please reach out wherever you are.

Now Available

Andy Warhol x Tim Bessell