He celebrates the complex interplay between light and darkness that resolves itself in shape, color and form.

Who are pirates? Do they still exist?


“The skull and crossed bones does not just mean ‘we are bringing you death’; rather it announces ‘we are the dead.’ We, the shat-on, the abused, the flogged, the ones you treated as less than human, have escaped your power, have slipped away from the identity you foisted onto us. We, the ones who you took for dead, are returning as the dead – and thus free of all fear, free of all human labels or classifications or ranks. We might say that pirates did not raise the Jolly Roger as a symbol of violence, but rather as a declaration that no more violence could be done to them.”

- Brewin, Kester. Mutiny! Why We Love Pirates, And How They Can Save Us

Working primarily in acrylic, the speed and decisiveness required to paint in this fast-drying medium translates Earnhart’s motions into transparent layers that draw the viewer in, stimulate deep emotion, and coalesce into a shared moment between the artist and the viewer.


The Origins of Mutiny